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TEDx is an internationally acclaimed community that organizes talks that celebrates "ideas worth sharing". Paul Sandip is the only Indian Industrial Product Designer who has been a speaker at TEDx, 3 times!

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TEDx Pune 2019

How an Industrial Designer Innovates 

Paul Sandip in his 3rd TEDx Talk expressed how an industrial designer innovates. He talks about improving everyday life experiences through incremental innovation.

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TEDx ICEM Pune 2019 

Change the world by design

Paul Sandip in his 2nd TEDx Talk expressed how he changed the perception of everyday objects and created iconic products.

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TEDx HP Bangalore 2014

Innovation by Observation

Paul Sandip in his 1st TEDx Talk shared his journey from being a curious child to an industrial designer and how he finds solutions to improving everyday life by observation.

Tropical Leaves

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